Diamond Star Silhouette
Diamond Star Silhouette
Diamond Star Silhouette
Diamond Star Silhouette
Diamond Star Silhouette
Less Than Symbol

Reviving Swing, Classic Country, ​and Early Rock 'n Roll

With Cesar Benzoni on vocals and guitar, John O'Dwyer ​on double bass and vocals, and Lorenzo Eshu on drums, ​The Jukebox Brothers revive the best jukebox classics ​from the 40s, 50s, and 60s. From lively swing tunes to the ​stories of traditional country, their repertoire covers it ​all. Featuring songs by legends like Fats Waller, George ​Jones, Elvis, Renato Carosone, Frank Sinatra, and Gene ​Autry, our performances are a captivating journey th​rough musical history, inviting audiences to dance, sing al​ong, and enjoy these timeless classics​!​

Juke Box

Diamond Star Silhouette



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Diamond Star Silhouette
Diamond Star Silhouette